Saturday, April 30, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

A couple of months ago the Netaudio festival threw open its doors for musicians around the world to apply to play at their event in May. In what seemed like a very encouragingly open way, they claimed that the selection of the acts playing on the Open Platform stage would be done via a vote on Soundcloud. Bands were encouraged to upload their music, and to drive traffic to the Netaudio site to vote on who should play.

The voting closed at the end of March, and an announcement was made that the successful artists would be notified at the beginning of April. The weeks passed, and there was no announcement...I wasn't too worried though, Thee Moths had come second, and were the top UK act by a significant amount of votes.

Then the announcement was made.....and NONE of the top five acts were playing! In fact, when the list was examined only two of the artists that had submitted work were playing at all, the rest of the bill being taken up by artists chosen by the festival organisers! Something else had happened as well....the Open Platform page had been altered from saying the acts would be chosen by the vote, to stating that the acts would be 'partially' chosen by the vote!

Understandably several musicians were unhappy about this, and questioned Netaudio via their Facebook page and email. The organisers completely ignored my email asking them what was going on, and then made out that I'd posted a reply to them that was too abusive to not be deleted - that post? Merely asking why a joke act called Cuntbucket had got through when other, far better acts, hadn't. I guess using Cuntbucket's full name was enough for them to decide I'd posted 'abuse'.

Anyway, they posted a halfarsed 'explanation' and then that was the matter closed...until yesterday.

Those emails in full

Yesterday I got an email from them, breathlessly trumping their event, and again announcing the acts to play the Open Platform event. Needless to say I was a little annoyed to be spammed by them, so I wrote the following -

"You send me this after fucking over the artists that were in the

vote?? And after IGNORING the email I sent you about it??

You guys have no shame. Do not email me again, you frauds."

Today I got this reply

"The issue was already discussed on facebook.

The mailshot has an unsubscribe link. Use it.

Your email address is now filtered/deleted now in my inbox so don't bother emailing again - I wont see it."

The FUCKING CHEEK! Acting as if I'M in the wrong for thinking their behaviour has been shitty in the extreme? And then telling ME not to email again after I've complained to them about their spamming?? What a shower of cunts!

The guys running Netaudio London 11 are frauds and self appointed gatekeepers, as well as being dishonest and unrepentant about that dishonesty. I'm disgusted that people like this have so much control over the way the experimental underground in the UK is run.